2015年网络安全大事记 数据为本,洞悉安全
JBoss JMXInvokerServlet 漏洞批量检测 偶遇BASH攻击,险入僵尸网络 2015 hctf7 all problems 工控网络协议模糊测试:用peach对modbus协议进行模糊测试 MASSCAN Web Interface IDA Pro 6.8 + All Decompilers Full Leak Cybercrime in the Deep Web:暗网深度解析 sqlmaps-tamper-scripts的作用说明 狗汪汪玩转无线电 -- GPS Hacking (上) ZeroNights Conference materials Tutorial: How to reverse unknown protocols using Netzob 0day DLL Hijacking vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Best Practices: Indicator Rating and Confidence The Swift Programming Language(source code) SCADA网络fuzzing测试及防护 2015年度CCF优秀博士学位论文奖初评结果 Unboxing the White-Box Practical attacks against Obfuscated Ciphers making-an-antivirus-engine-the-guidelines Best Free Hacking E-Books (PDFs) • HaCoder 麻袋理财之反爬虫实践 SHURIKEN: Exploit throwing framework SPartan: Sharepoint pentest Tool TensorFlow tutorials and code examples for beginners adare2book 利用Chakra JIT绕过DEP和CFG Browser mitigations against memory corruption vulnerabilities Malware Sakula - Evolutions v2.x-3.x (Part 2) Data Exfiltration via Blind OS Command Injection Analysis of Telegram Crypto Seven Years of a South American Threat Actor-----微信ID:SecWiki-----
本期原文地址: SecWiki周刊(第93期)