FreeBuf全球安全事件纵览(2015年10月):追着光影奔跑 浅谈国内安全人才薪酬现状 关于下一代防火墙的几个思考 Kaspersky Security Bulletin. 2016 Predictions
翻墙路由器的原理与实现 SecRepo:Samples of Security Related Data RCTF2015-Mobile-出题思路及Writeup 我的通行你的证:cookie安全 Security Data Analysis XSS 攻击利用代码收集平台 funder = Format-UNDERstander GPS和WiFi位置时间攻击及防御 Xplico:Open Source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) RCTF Web100, Web150 Writeup OllyDbg 2.01 简明帮助手册 File Format Fuzzing in Android “蜥蜴之尾”——长老木马四代分析报告 Forensic analysis of a Sony PlayStation 4: A first look 结合个人经历总结的前端入门方法 HoneyPy:A low interaction honeypot Swimming in the Sea of ELF joomlavs:Joomla vulnerability scanner VolatilityBot – An automated malicious code dumper spring-social-core-vulnerability-disclosure awesome-incident-response Bypassing SMEP Using vDSO Overwrites debug C++ code on Linux from Visual Studio. Nishang: A Post-Exploitation Framework DZ 6.x getshell [20151117] Redis事件综合分析 Linux/FileCoder (Linux.Encoder) Powershell Hids DEMO The Landscape of Internet Threats Best of Oracle Security 2015 (browser narly) - browser exploitation/exploration tool Manual and Automatic Program Analysis/ Black Hat Europe 2015 slides Bug Bounty Web List How to Write a Great Research Paper APK Studio by vaibhavpandeyvpz Getting started with TSK & Autopsy pt. 2 Inspecting Heap Objects with LLDB CANAPE Network Testing Tool-----微信ID:SecWiki-----
本期原文地址: SecWiki周刊(第90期)