FIDO: Automated Security Incident Response 硅谷夜话之RSA2015 (1) 2015网络安全市场报告(下) 国家安全法(草案二次审议稿)
Fuzzing nginx - Hunting vulnerabilities with afl-fuzz XSS via window.stop() - Google Safen Up Android Native API Hooking with Library Injection and ELF Introspection 浅谈加密这把双刃剑 安卓APP动态调试-IDA实用攻略 WPS Pixie Dust Attack (Offline WPS Attack) pfSense: free network firewall distribution scikit-learn-book ctf-tools:Some setup scripts for security research tools 隐藏在显存中的基于GPU的rootkit和键盘记录器 云端博弈——木马屠城 xKungFoo 2015 PPT On the Arms Race in Spamming Botnet Mitigation Tinba - Yet another anti-sandbox tricks SSL/TLS协议安全系列:SSL/TLS概述 jellyfish:Linux based userland gpu rootkit commix:Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool 一例“无实体文件”恶意样本分析报告 Forcing XXE Reflection through Server Error Messages IIS at Risk: An In-depth Look into CVE-2015-1635 Instrumenting Android Applications with Frida Python tools for penetration testers Deploying Dionaea on a Raspberry Pi using MHN New malicious Office docs trick Finding targets in drone and quadcopter video streams Attacking POS Supply Chains (IN)SECURE Magazine:RSA 2015 SPECIAL ISSUE Ios App Reverse Engineering armpwn:memory corruption on the ARM platform Many ways of malware persistence Dynamically inject a shared library into a running process on Android/ARM OfficeDissector: parser library for static security analysis of Office malice:VirusTotal Wanna Be CYBERSECURITY MARKET REPORT dumplib:Windows Kernel Dump Analyzer Windows Kernel Exploitation Humla Mumbai IE安全系列:脚本先锋(II)-----微信ID:SecWiki-----
本期原文地址: SecWiki周刊(第62期)