China's Incomplete Military Transformation Most vulnerable operating systems and applications in 2014 Search Engine for Deep Web that Works From Normal Web Browser Lenovo Is Breaking HTTPS Security on its Recent Laptops
《安全参考》HACKCTO-201502-26 SQL注入自学指南 RSA conference slide download Chrome 开发者工具中文手册 rdpy:Remote Desktop Protocol in Twisted Python Malware Is Still Spying On You After Your Mobile Is Off SAE运维体系 UNDERSTANDING THE OWASP TOP 10 Python + Elasticsearch. First steps. 业务颗粒化思考 Silic Security Handbook Dynamic Translation and Dynamic Optimization Gh0st RAT Part 2: Packet Structure and Defense Measures aioshell:A php webshell run under linux based webservers 国際情報化協力Plesk建站平台安全实例 网络安全与美中关系 Asgard:PHP Malware Scanner (Machine Learning) BE2 Extraordinary Plugins, Siemens Targeting, Dev Fails Extracting the SuperFish certificate 持续性攻击组织Equation Group IEEE Security & Privacy 2015 vol.13 -----微信ID:SecWiki-----
本期原文地址: SecWiki周刊(第51期)