Top 5 Malware Trends on the Horizon 五大机构携手成立移动金融安全研究联合实验室 Pwn2Own 2015: Exploitation at its Finest! Biter bitten as hacker leaks source code for popular exploit kit Today I Am Releasing Ten Million Passwords Facebook launches social network for sharing security threat info 2014年互联网安全厂商年终报告汇总(国外版)上 A Global Black Market for Stolen Personal Data
Firmware Forensics: Diffs, Timelines, ELFs and Backdoors 汽车安全:汽车黑客手册(电子书下载) 隐写术总结 FuzzTesting 语义分析的一些方法(三) RingZer0 2015 CTF Shellcoding MS14-066 In Depth Analysis | MalwareTech lcamtuf's blog: Bi-level TIFFs and the tale of the unexpectedly early patch windows平台下高级shellcode编程技术 语义分析的一些方法(一) american fuzzy lop (1.40b) IDA ADB Helper:辅助Android调试的插件 语义分析的一些方法(二) 浅析Docker架构、原理及实例配置演示 A New Zero-Day of Adobe Flash CVE-2015-0313 Exploited in the Wild SSJS Web Shell Injection:netsec Gh0st RAT: Complete Malware Analysis – Part 1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 9-11 Windows 7-8.1 Vulnerability (patched in 2014) Cure53 XSSMas Challenge '14 Writeup Kippo-Graph 1.5 released! A Self-Compiling Android Data Obfuscation Tool Linux.BackDoor.XNote.1 indicators Installing and Using Cuckoo Malware Analysis Sandbox 腾讯电脑管家TAV引擎逆向分析 CVE-2015-0311 (Flash up to integrating Exploit Kits ExploitingSessionManagement.pdf Bindead - a static analysis tool for binaries. 分布式端口扫描利刃: 使用DNmap创建Nmap集群 2014年Android恶意代码发展报告 一个信息泄露漏洞的成长: CVE-2015-0310分析与利用 Buffer Overflow EIP Offset String Generator WebKnight - Open Source Web Application Firewall (WAF) for IIS 互联网企业级监控系统实践 Android Service Security CVE2015-0057漏洞样本构造探索 Create regular expressions using chained methods. Pentesting iOS Applications Dirs3arch v0.3.0 - HTTP(S) Directory/File Brute Forcer BabelCrypt:Universal Encryption Layer for Mobile Messaging Applications stunnel SSL Encryption Wrapper PHP中的内存破坏漏洞利用(CVE-2014-8142和CVE-2015-0231) Bypassing Windows’ 10 Protections using a Single Bit Fun With Info-Leaks mysql syntax bypass some WAF pretty awesome XSS auditor bypass
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