Forensic scientist identifies suspicious back doors' running on every iOS device Gartner公布2014年十大信息安全技术
《安全参考》HACKCTO-201407-19 Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology Tutorial Python 网页爬虫数据挖掘兵器谱 简单修改了cve-2011-3402的内核提权ShellCode DOM Clobbering Attacks on Android Clipboard Machine Learning Surveys 2014年澳大利亚信息安全挑战 CySCA CTF 官方write up Crypto篇 wireshark 实用技巧 SyScan360 2014 Program playweb:基于分布式网络安全扫描系统实现 内网渗透之-域渗透基础 GNU/Linux安全基线与加固 TSRC挑战赛: PHP防御绕过挑战实录 配置ModSecurity防火墙与OWASP规则 TSRC挑战赛: PHP场景中getshell防御思路分享 Academic Universe:A Platform for Exploring Linked Academic Objects 无声杯 xss 挑战赛 writeup McAfee Advanced Threat Defense Test Advanced Exploitation of VirtualBox 3D Acceleration VM Escape Vulnerability CVE-2014-3153 Exploit iOS后门笔记 chopshop:Protocol Analysis/Decoder Framework 后现代艺术:解构主义APT Wordpress XML-RPC Brute Force Scanning 借助开源项目,学习软件开发 2014H1绿盟科技DDoS威胁报告 Python教程网络安全篇 Hacking Clients with WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery) Protocol Attacking MongoDB Threat Research, Analysis, and Mitigation Samples from the conflict in Syria 我是如何”黑掉”91Ri的 x64_dbg:An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows RPC 库 grpc 如何建立高效的安全测试-----微信ID:SecWiki-----
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