6月安全大事件第二期 Large CCTV Botnet Leveraged in DDoS Attacks 用历史和数据来聊聊勒索软件 威胁情报实践与应用论坛 GitHub公布2015年透明度报告 Global Terrorism Database Leaked! Reveals 2.2 Million Suspected Terrorists
人面狮行动——中东地区的定向攻击活动 Elasticsearch南京meetup 浅析HTTPS中间人攻击与证书校验 ChatBotCourse: 自己动手做聊天机器人教程 Uber渗透案例:我们是如何发现你是谁,你在哪,你要打车去哪! 如何获取安卓iOS上的微信聊天记录、通过Metasploit控制安卓 ActiveScan3Plus: Modified version of ActiveScan++ Burp Suite extension 华盟网6.25线下沙龙PPT及视频分享#解压密码twm2 H-WORM:简单而活跃的远控木马 REcon 2016 - How Do I Crack Satellite and Cable Pay TV Introduction to Anti-Fuzzing: A Defence in Depth Aid 梆梆脱壳方法 渗透技巧——Use AutoIt script to create a keylogger 新型XSS总结两则 All the open source code in GitHub now shared within BigQuery Windows 10 UAC bypass with custom Meterpreter payloads Cloakify Toolset - Data Exfiltration In Plain Sight Teaching XSS to a machine Exploring and exploiting Lenovo firmware secrets pyfiscan: Free web-application vulnerability and version scanner Detecting DNS Data Exfiltration wafbypasser:WAF Bypasser module 谷歌的代码管理 Papers on Blockchain and Bitcoin: Student notes Monitoring pfsense with Logstash / Elasticsearch / Kibana PHP文件包含到远程代码执行 Published Router vulnerabilities and associated information. Bypassing web application firewalls using HTTP headers -----微信ID:SecWiki-----
本期原文地址: SecWiki周刊(第122期)