2018-02-07 | Windows(x86与x64) Shellcode技术研究 | ourren | 4952 | |
2018-02-04 | A tool I have found incredibly useful whenever creating custom shellcode | re4lity | 1972 | |
2017-09-28 | Shellcode for windows -Exploit Development Community | BaCde | 2436 | |
2017-09-06 | ShellCode执行代码iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT | ourren | 2475 | |
2017-08-24 | 通过Shellcode聚类识别定向攻击相关的恶意代码 | ourren | 2540 | |
2017-08-16 | 教你如何使用分组密码对shellcode中的windows api字符串进行加密 | 嘶吼 | 2285 | |
2017-08-11 | Shellcode Via XSL, And DotNetToJScript | BaCde | 3395 | |
2017-05-12 | 如何编写高质量的Windows Shellcode | hx | 3960 | |
2017-03-15 | Windows x86 - Hide Console Window Shellcode | webs3c | 5531 | |
2016-12-15 | Modbus Stager: Using PLCs as a payload/shellcode distribution system: | BaCde | 2812 | |